Our latest recipes.
Classic recipes from El Cuaderno Azul.
Baked sea bream.
This baked sea bream is a classic dish ideal for celebrations and special meals. With a touch of lemon and roasted vegetables, it is a recipe...
Cod ajoarriero.
Cod ajoarriero is a traditional recipe full of flavour. With simple ingredients and a touch of garlic, it's a perfect dish to enjoy in a...
Galician style hake: Slices or loins, with its traditional sauce.
Galician-style hake is a classic dish that combines simplicity and flavour, ideal for any occasion. Here we present two versions: one with...
Stewed lentils with chorizo and vegetables.
Braised lentils with chorizo and vegetables are a classic of traditional cuisine that never fails. This comforting dish combines the tender texture of...