Our latest recipes.
Classic recipes from El Cuaderno Azul.
Vegetable stew with ham.
Vegetable stew with ham is a classic of traditional Spanish cuisine, perfect as a main dish or side dish. This dish combines the freshness...
Bonito with tomato.
Tuna with tomato is a classic dish of Mediterranean gastronomy, full of fresh and comforting flavours. Ideal to enjoy at any time of the year.....
Cod in pil-pil sauce.
Cod in pil pil sauce is one of the iconic dishes of Basque cuisine, known for its emulsified sauce and its unmistakable flavour....
Prawn croquettes with garlic.
Estas croquetas de gambones al ajillo son el equilibrio perfecto entre el sabor delicado del marisco y el toque aromático del ajo. Su textura cremosa…